I Remember back as a kid in gym class and did not want to be that last kid chosen for a team? Well I don't like to brag (as I puff out my 63 year old chest past my gut that puffs out on it's own but I was not that kid. I was a decent athlete even if the game was dodge-ball I was always a solid pick. Of course if there was a robotics team back then I may have been been that last pick, then placed on the 'my brain hurts' injury reserved list. We can all breath a sigh of relief God does not operate that way. He seems to like the odd ducks, misfits, and unlikely picks to be on his team, even LEAD his team. Hmm.. I might even be chosen on God's robotics team. So here is a partial list of those God chose for his team. "if you build it they will come". These are the paraphrased words of God from the book of Genesis as 600 year old Noah is chosen to craft an Ark with his 100 year old sons. And.. not just any Ark, a 'Desert Ark'. As a spry 75 year old, Abraham was instructed by God.. "pack up the Winnebago (figuratively speaking) and hit the road." So much for the Golden Years. "I will make you a mighty nation." added the Lord. A mighty nation?.. Abe and the Mrs. were past the age of having their own kids, so unless God is talking about some 'Mighty Nation' game for his smartphone then he did not know how this was going to happen. Moses, prince of Egypt exiled for MURDER is working in a land far far away as an overqualified tender of sheep when God speaks to him from a burning bush. "Moses .. you and I are going to free the children of Israel. Ok, mostly I will free them, but I will keep you busy." I don't know about you, but I would not have chosen a guy on the run for murder who smells like sheep to lead the captive/slave people of Israel. Speaking of sheep, God chose a shepherd boy named David to 1. slay a giant named Goliath, and 2. become the first great KING of Israel! Then off to the NEW TESTAMENT.. where Jesus did not choose men right out of seminary' as his disciples. Their resumes referenced such talents as 'fishing' and 'collecting taxes but nary a youth pastor, or worship leader credential to be found. Not even experience as the side usher at the Temple. So without checking their LinkedIn profiles, Jesus simply said.. "Follow me." And remember Jesus words to the thief on the cross.. "This very day you will be with me in paradise." shortly before he died. noting the obvious: Being a thief is NOT who we 'good Christians' would choose. At the very least we might require a probationary period and yet Jesus did just that. He chose the thief, he chose a sinner.. for his team. That is how big God's Grace is. Next, God chooses the very first 'Missionary' to share the Gospel to the world! "With the first pick, in the first round of the first ever Gospel Missionary Draft, I choose Saul of Tarsus" These are the paraphrased words of Jesus on as Saul travels the Road to Damascus. His actual words were "Saul why do you persecute me?" which included a blinding light. WHAT? This same Saul was Pharisee of Pharisees, and recently spotted checking coats at the stoning of Stephen? Yep, that Saul. .. Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest Acts 9:1 Serious Red Flag .. choosing a guy breathing threats and murder against the disciples is RISKY. But that's just me. Now fast forward a couple thousand years and some change to year 2020.. I have not experienced a literal burning bush while walking my dog, or blinding light on my way to the Grocery store, but I still believe I am chosen and capable. Not that it makes sense based on my relative and limited qualifications of cartooning (aka coloring between the lines), but in fact we are all chosen. Chosen not only for eternity in Heaven, but also to serve in big and small ways now. So do not keep God in a box, or a lid on what is possible with regards to the blessings and opportunities to serve. Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" Isaiah 6:8 Just like Isaiah, be listening for God's leading in big and small ways, and when God calls on you.. reply "Here am I. pick me! pick me!" May God bless and use you in ways that are BEYOND YOUR DREAMS and all that God intends. Jeff (Chosen.. go figure) Larson Leave a Reply. |
AuthorThe mutterings on life and faith by cartoonist Jeff Larson Archives
January 2025
Back Pew - Draw Close to God
My Book- 116 pages of cartoons of 'Clean Humor & God's Truth' CRITICS ARE SAYING.
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