I grew up in the ‘metropolis’ of Cable Wisconsin with a population of about 280. Highway 63 travels through Cable, and rush hour was from 7:45 am to 7:47 am, and returned from 4:58 pm to 5:02 pm. Traffic jams was only urban legend warning us of the EVIL big city. I now live in Coon Rapids, a suburb of Minneapolis Minnesota. (the big city) and for years have experienced real rush hour traffic. I know first hand about traffic jams, busy streets, road construction, and the skyline of downtown Minneapolis is just a few miles away and is filled with impressive tall buildings. The skyline of downtown Cable is.. trees. This is my skyline of choice. In Cable the night is quiet, the few stores in town close down by early evening, with only maybe an occasional car can be heard in the distance going down highway 63, and the sky is filled with stars. I live in a quiet neighborhood in Coon Rapids, but the busyness of the city is never too far away, and the city lights make the stars in the sky appear dim. I love it here, BUT I do miss my hometown. So the moral of the story.. You can take the BOY out of the small town, but you can't take the small town out of the BOY. So in honor of small towns .. let me share a tribute to.. Small Towns and Rednecks. Small Towns ..where we might not be like dem city churches with a la-ti-da pipe organ. and GEE-TARS, but we gots us a BANJO! We are God fearin' people who Pray real good, and though we might not dress in any fancy suits we are lookin plenty spiffy in our own way, and have set high standards regarding our men wearing HATS while makin' exceptions in Wisconsin where Women can wear 'hats' like the FELLAS every fall. But don't you worry yer little ol self none.. our pastor may be preachin from behind a Freight Crate Pulpit, where you hear sermons with practical life object lessons on DUCT TAPE. And.. every service ends we are sent out into 'the woods'? with the Red Neck Great Commission GIT-R-DUN! But like all churches we did have a split a few years back over theology. No it has nuttin to do wit' baptism (once the ice is off the lakes we baptize everything but cats), or raisin yer hands, or speakin in tongues (couple fellers know pig latin). We don't care if U-R-A Calvinist, or even a Viking fan... but we don't handle Snakes. So come join the country folk worshiping the same God as the city folk. One body, many parts. One family, many cuzin's. One church.. some from the city and some in the woods.. but the important point to make is - If yer KIN Yer In! Well that is all for today. I am sure my whole website has a small town flavor and not just the toons I listed above. Small Town is a very good thing. Have a great day, blessed by God in great ways. note: In reality my home church is nothing like the redneck toons above. It definitely has a small town flavor, but it is a great church where the word of God is preached and is the place where I gave my heart to the Lord when I was 6 years old... and so small towns (specifically Cable Wisconsin) will always be special to me. Praise God for small town churches, and for His people. Jeff (country boy at heart) Larson 9/25/2020 Truth.. can you handle it? 2020Q: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God? <pause> A: Hmmm, maybe. What are we talking about, I mean I need some context here before I swear. Ok, I do not believe this type of answer would fly well in a court of law. Truth is truth, and I should not be afraid of the truth. Right? Or can't I handle the Truth? How about outside the court of law where I do not have to swear on a bible? Can I fudge or tweak the truth so it does not look so blessed incriminating? I mean to say.. that check is really in the mail.. almost. :) What if a wife asks her hubby: "Are these pants too tight?" In this case, be truthful.. BUT choose your words wisely so they are not your LAST. On the flip side if a husband asks: "How do I look?" There is a better than 75% chance the hubby will receive the whole (blunt as a 2x4 to the face) truth and nothing but the unfiltered truth. For all of the above and more truth in love is a beautiful thing. Truth is not always convenient, and it may sting a little or A LOT, but avoiding the truth will not make it go away. In many ways TRUTH PURIFIES. Truth provides light to shadows, and clarity + context to motives, and agendas. Side Note: I believe there will be a harsh judgment some day on today's media that is motivated by agendas and narratives instead of reporting truth. Half truths are in reality a LIE. But also the church (we are the church) are called to share the good news (THE TRUTH) of Jesus Christ 1 Corinthians 15:1-11. To not share this gospel message of salvation would be unloving. To share a message that 'Jesus is love and wants to help you' but not share a message that convicts us ALL of sins (yes sins) instead of preaching we are all pretty good folk.. is a false narrative much like the above mentioned media.
Think about it,, If there is ONE WAY to Heaven through Jesus Christ then we must preach Christ always in our words and deeds. Do not apologize for this truth! If you believe in Heaven and Hell then as family, friend, neighbor, and/or citizen we cannot remain silent when the Truth of Jesus is eternally important. While this subject of deep down nook and crannies of our lives truth feels a bit intrusive it must be a cornerstone to our faith. We should embrace truth in love for ourselves and others, and share the truth the only way to Heaven is Jesus Christ. My prayer today is for us all to be truthful and loving in word and deed. Remember, 1 Corinthians 13 shares all is meaningless (including Truth) without love. In all things, To God be the glory. Blessings Jeff (mostly-honest?) Larson 9/24/2020 A Leader from the NORTHFinally a Leader from the NORTH! With the elections coming up I want to be clear I am NOT talking about voting for POTUS or dog catcher. Today instead I want to discuss the great men of God (leaders) who spoke God’s truth and led by example in ways that bridges the gap of understanding between Infinite Almighty God and finite man. The History of the Bible has Abraham, Moses, David, Samson, Peter, John, and the Apostle Paul to name just a few. The History of our Church we have Martin Luther, Charles Spurgeon, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Billy Sunday, Billy Graham, A. W. Tozer, A. B. Simpson, John & Charles Wesley, and more. Today we have Tony Evans, Franklin Graham, Max Lucado, John MacArthur, Francis Chan, David Platt, John Piper, Rick Warren to name a few that are impacting this world for God. We may not all agree on the names I listed or have forgot to list, but I thank God for all the obedient servants of God. But today is a day where I instead segue to a leader for those of us up North. someone to lead us in a way that makes it clear.. THIS IS THE VOICE OF GOD.. spoken in a way that a northerner can understand (maybe with a Minnesotan accent doncha' know.. I want a prophet, a miracle worker.. I am looking for.. for.. drum roll.. MOOSES! Wow that was a long lead in to one corny cartoon. I think this is original and that no one else would really want to take credit for such silliness.. BUT I think Mooses would at least make a fine stuffed animal at the check out counter at your local Christian bookstore.. right next to .. So now that you have your Christian Cringes out of your system for the day, let me share a few more twisted faith walk moments.
Have a great day enjoying the opportunities of your day, and blessed by God in ways that are always BEYOND YOUR DREAMS. Jeff 9/21/2020 Death by .. CARTOONDEATH.. by Cartoon.. While there were preexisting conditions, it was THE CARTOON that killed him. - CDC (Center of Deceased Cartoonists) Dr. Foopie Dateline: 11th Century BC CSI Report:
CAUSE OF DEATH: Later testing determined VIC did not die from bump on head and not from his head being severed, but instead it was .. COVID-19. Kidding, kidding, I could not help myself. Truth is .. the VIC was Goliath who met his demise in the form of the shepherd boy David armed with a sling, a few choice stones all endorsed by the very POWER OF GOD. BUT.. I digress... as this event should be classified as.. DEATH BY CARTOON. Let me share a few more memorable DEATH BY CARTOON Bible moments. Note: From the beginning through this very day, only Enoch, and Elijah have been given a 'hall pass' from God to cheat death. In the case of Elijah, he lived even though he was not wearing his seat belt. Everyone else gasped their last breath and succumbed their inevitable demise. - Sisera died from a tent stake splitting headache. - Eglon was run through. - Noah's neighbors could not tread water for 40 days and nights. - Jericho Guards fell down go boom. - Abimelech's world was rocked then on to the New Testament where - Lazarus DEAD!.. then not dead - Jesus died then of course rose from the grave. while the .. - The Thief died on the cross next to Jesus, but then HEAVEN! Truly Amazing Grace finally we read about.. - Death riding on a horse and in need of a tic-tac. DEATH .. more than a macabre theme for Halloween, or the chilly exit from out time on this Earth. For believers death is the beginning to LIFE eternal. Oh death where is your victory? Oh death where is your sting? I Corinthians 15:55 Since I probably will not leave this Earth riding a chariot of fire, and I know this life is just a drop in the ocean of eternity. I will grieve when loved one's die, but I pray always for perspective that includes eternal life for those who love God. Then death truly has no victory, death has no sting. May God bless each of you with the peace of eternal life with God. May we gain a glimpse of the big picture with a perspective outside our circumstances and pain we may endure. May the promise of a peace that passes all understanding become real to each those who choose to follow our God. Jeff (still kickin' in the Back Pew) Larson Cliff notes on Cliffs - Umm, don't jump off .. cliffs? Psalms 118:13, the Psalmist writes.. I was right on the cliff-edge, ready to fall, when God grabbed and held me. Luke 4:29 we read of the unruly mob wanting to kill Jesus by throwing him off a cliff. Dangerous Roads are.. umm dangerous too! Matthew 7:13 shares.. Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. So far, you are thinking.. Thank you Captain Obvious. OK so far we have.. 1. dangerous roads.. 2. a steep cliffs.. 3. a sea far below our cliff crashing into the rocky coastline .. sounds like the infamous LEMMING 'pilgrimage'. Being a literal lemming is nothing to brag about. They are part of the rodent family and their claim to fame (or infamy) is for their suicidal cliff diving method of population control. A figurative Lemming implies you follow the crowd, a bit oblivious to consequences. To be a lemming on face value is the easy way. Just fit in with everyone else.. and don't make waves.. until you ironically fall to the crashing waves below. Note.. we all have a little lemming in us. In our Lemming society it is easy to follow the crowd. From fashion, fads, political views, sports teams, peer pressure are all factors as we get in line for our cliff run. Even in the church where we are called to be different.. we don't want to be TOO different. Romans 12:1-2 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. In other words.. Quit acting like a cliff diving lemmings. Too often 'Christians' apologize, go silent, or become embarrassed rather than stand up for Jesus. We fit too nicely in this crass society, waste money like our neighbors, keep up with the Jones's as much as humanly possible leaving little time or money to honestly love God or care for others. AND when we see other lemmings on an eternity path other than Heaven.. we may not join them, but we certainly do not stop them as they head towards the cliff. AND.. wham bam next thing we realize we too are on that path to a secular society cliff riddled with lemming droppings. God is not anywhere near where these lemmings are, and how did we end up so far down the path and close to the cliff's edge? I do pray for something more. I pray to be on the path that leads to Heaven.. I pray the attractions and distractions of this world do NOT drag us along to where we never intended. I pray we remember we are here to honor God with our lives. We are here to please God,, not man. May God bless and lead each of you today. Be still and listen for his leading, read his Word, seek his will and obey God only.
Jeff (just say NO to Lemmings) Larson Deep thought of the Day.. If it looks like a lemming, runs like a lemming, and smells like a lemming.. it's probably a .. LEMMING. final note: With regards to this year 2020.. most of us will agree this year should take a flying leap off a cliff! Don't think it works that way, but I can still wish. 9/17/2020 Clint Eastwood and.. God?In the beginning .. God said.. “Go ahead, make my day!” 6 times he said this.. and the world was created one day at a time (including the underrated task of distinguishing between NIGHT and DAY.). Then on the 7th day there shall be football? Ok, man created football and snuck it in on the first day of the week. Come to think about it now we now have FOOTBALL pretty much EVERY day of the week. In creating the world I don’t think God did the Clint Eastwood squinty eye thingy, nor was GO AHEAD MAKE MY DAY originally a Clint Eastwood aka Dirty Harry line. Bottom line is no one was shot when the world was created, and that it.. WAS GOOD. Besides the creation of the world in six days, there are other parallels between Clint Eastwood and God. - David the ‘dirty hairy’ shepherd boy.. challenged Goliath in a manner that was undeniably Clint Eastwood-ish. He may not have been armed with a .44 Magnum handgun the most powerful handgun in the world, BUT he did have a sling, a few stones, and most importantly had the one true God on his side. So Goliath, do you feel lucky? Well, do ya punk? - In Heaven Guardian Angel Joe has taken on a real 'Dirty Harry persona' ever since Heaven has been getting Cable TV. see pic on right --> - We find SHEEP boldly take on a Clint Eastwood-like unflinching boldness in the face of any lion like enemy. This is GREAT news for us sheep. - Even Coffee Drinkers take the joyful message of Psalms 118:24 “this is the DAY the Lord has made (so GO AHEAD MAKE MY DAY), and let us rejoice and be glad in it!.. (but first… coffee) rings of Clint Eastwood. Coincidence? I think not! Here in the Back Pew we are not blind to the parallels in words and actions of Mr. Clint Eastwood, and.. Almighty God! So.. Is Clint a prophet? Are the words of Mr. Eastwood a divine providence for this fallen world offering hope and strength?. Is the Clint Eastwood’s movie the UNFORGIVEN a prophetic warning to the demise of unrepentant evil men? Ok, odds are Mr. Eastwood is just a famous actor/director and not the return of Elijah. But if Clint leaves this Earth someday in a Flaming Gran Torino I will then readdress this topic. We can still learn a lesson today if we simply.. raise our hands to Heaven and pray believing God’s blessings and to be used as His servant in ways that are beyond my dreams.. by paraphrase AGAIN the words of Mr. Eastwood “Go ahead (God).. make my day!” Anything less is settling for less than what God intends. And if I am questioned by Clint Eastwood's other words.. "Do I feel lucky? Well, do you PUNK?" My answer is "lucky?.. no I am BLESSED." Jeff (Back Pew Punk) Larson 9/15/2020 Off to PICK a FIGHT 2020"I am off to pick a fight." is one of my favorite lines from one of my favorite movies.. ‘BraveHeart’.. not to be confused with Brave-Bird. BraveHeart is the story of William Wallace of Scotland fighting for the FRREEEDOMM against the oppressive rule of England. At one dramatic scene from the movie BraveHeart the Scots who were greatly outnumbered by the English are about to do battle. The well armed, well trained English did not take this rag-tag Scottish army seriously. But then after declaring.. “I am off to PICK A FIGHT.” .. in rides William Wallace (Mel Gibson) on his horse to mess with the peace negotiations between the Scots and England. I won’t get into the details, but Wallace taunts and mocks the English until.. yes THERE WAS A FIGHT… and the Scots win! The significant message of this movie is a call to do what is right no matter the cost, even the cost of maybe their lives. Of course as modern day Christians we are not called to look for a fight, but we should NEVER be afraid to FIGHT for God's Truth. We answer to God, not to man. Some may cry out.. No, no, not the Crusades again…I go to church, I am a good person.. Please no Crusades 2020 unless they are like the Billy Graham Crusades. Billy Graham is good and I don't remember him with a bloody nose. Others will say.."Jesus was about love." That's the Jesus we like.. the one about love. we don't associate with Christians who speak out against abortion, Planned Parenthood, gay marriage, or the LGBTQ like claims that there are more genders than Baskin Robbins has flavors of ice cream (31). Then the media beats their drum of secular outrage with stories about the dangerous bigoted 'religious right'. They guilt many for wanting to build a wall, owning a gun, or for even being white. Why should I feel guilty that my parents were white? Then every election year like lemmings we are pressured to run full speed off either a republican or democrat/socialist cliff following our political allegiances before considering God's Truth. We are afraid of the fight (or ill prepared for a fight).. afraid to stand for our FAITH. if we are political, pro-Israel, or against Sharia Law lest we be labeled a Islamophobe. Please I am not one of THOSE Christians. I am a good person, who never makes waves.. I am like Jesus who is about love.. remember? All this pressure to conform and fear of a fight with our society railing against traditional Christian values melts many into doing their best Piglet 'the pacifist' of Winnie the Pooh fame.. as we fret and worry stammering “Oh d-dear, oh d-dear!!." But let's slow down and consider a couple examples from our Bibles. David, leveled the giant Goliath, and cut off his head for daring to mock God. There was no peace negotiations with the enemy of God, and there was victory for David standing up against this Pagan. and the best example.. Jesus the Son of God...
To summarize the example of Jesus, and how this should set with his church. If the world hates you, know that it has hated Jesus before it hated you. If you are of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but Jesus chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. John 15:18-19 Romans 12:1-2 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Most likely we are not called to a literal bloody nose like fight, or to be the church version of ANTIFA.. but never EVER back down from living and teaching God's truth.
Important 2020 Note: This is NOT an endorsement of the so-called peaceful protests of 2020. All this misguided SJW angst turned rage mob is not of God. So put down that brick... AND instead be ready and willing to Pick a Fight for and/or Serve THOSE IN NEED, and the LOST? What good is our faith if it is only about our own well being? Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. James 1:27 May God bless each of us today as we pursue and defend God’s truth. May God smile at, and bless our sincere efforts to serve Him and others, and lovingly correct us when we fall… and may God bless us and use us in ways that are BEYOND OUR DREAMS. Jeff (bruise like a peach) Larson note: With us all in the fight for God's Truth, let's calm down the internal fights in the church. We should stand for God's word to be honored in the church and while there are differences in the body.. The cry of "heretic" is overused by those we differ with. I have a continued concern for the American Church that is caught between THE ROCK and a HARD WORLD. This WORLD mocks Christians as
In response, THE CHURCH claims our ROCK is Jesus... and sing 'A Mighty Fortress is our God', but our knees shake as we become hyper-introspective based more on the world's judging lens instead of God's loving truth. We apologize and/or hide our views when God's unchanging truths do not fit nicely with our secular society. We go mostly silent as not to stir the anti-Christian hornet's nest world view. We don't like people to call us names.. who would. So we become like a deer caught in society's pious headlights and honking horns. This HARD WORLD demonstrates a compromised view of a life equally cynical of Christians and mocking of our God. "The Church is more afraid of offending the world than offending God". - A W Tozer So the choice is ours. Serve God or appease man. Stand up for God's Truth or attend a Sunday Social club we call church and live our muted lives as Christians in name only. Only one life 'twill soon be past. Only what's done for Christ will last. - Charles Studd Truth is GOD'S TRUTH is not lost... not in the Church, not in the world. God cares deeply both for his church and for a world that does not know him. This is our opportunity to make a difference not just attending church but being the church. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Col 3:17 Oh we will stumble but get back up again where Jesus is our Rock while living in this Hard World. Don't be caught in between THE ROCK and this HARD WORLD. Instead stand on THE ROCK. Psalms 18:2 I pray as always His church (we the people) turn daily to God, seek Him first,.. love HIm with our lives, serve Him in all that we do, and love and care others like Jesus did. May God find us faithful, bless us, and use us in ways that are beyond our dreams and for His Glory only. Blessings Jeff side note: See below a good barometer for life. “Rules for Self Discovery: 1. What we want most; 2. What we think about most; 3. How we use our money; 4. What we do with our leisure time; 5. The company we enjoy; 6. Who and what we admire; 7. What we laugh at.” ― A. W. Tozer 9/12/2020 Who needs an ARK?In remembering September 2019 we officially bumped our rain total to the second-wettest year on record in Minneapolis Mn, with 29.64” of rain, behind 1892 with 31.75”. Ok, not ARK building weather, but still the 2nd wettest year on record. Of course back in Noah's day they didn't think they needed an Ark either. There wasn't even a Marina in town, but God grew tired of the true wickedness of man and decided to wipe out all mankind by a flood except for Noah and his family who would sail safely on an Ark. Genesis 6:5-6 The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lord regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieve. So we all know the story, the people mocked him Noah's Ark project, until that day that rang out in infamy where the floods covered the Earth killing all living creatures except Noah, his family, and a literal boat load of animals. This is one of those stories learned in Sunday School where God saved Noah and all the animals of every kind. Cute story for kids, but a powerful story for the rest of us. While some Christians feud over the flood being local versus universal, or where the Ark is now.. the greater message is to a wicked world that was not SAVED on-board this giant Ark sized petting zoo. Death versus Life was the choice of mankind back in Noah's day, and death versus life is our choice today. No we don't have to RSVP any Ark invitations from God, but.. same as in Noah's day either we are with (obedient to) God or against Him. Today, either I have accepted Jesus into your heart or have not. The choice is mine, the choice is yours. And just like in Noah's day, IT MATTERS ETERNALLY what we believe. God will not be mocked. If we do not choose God's salvation plan we will be as lost as Noah's neighbors when the great flood consumed them. Not such a cute story now. It's a nice story if you are on the boat, but if not.. then a snorkel and flippers will not save you. But it is a beautiful story, because just like the Ark in Noah's day, God has provided salvation. This salvation is found in the name of Jesus. God does not desire for any of us to perish, but we all have free will so the choice is ours. CHOOSE WISELY, and your eternity is secured in Heaven. CHOOSE POORLY and please understand you are not safe. Note: Flood Insurance would not have saved you in Noah's Day, nor will Fire Insurance save you today. May God bless each of you with the realization of salvation through Jesus Christ. It is a beautiful gift from our loving God. For those of you outside of His plan, know John 3:16, believe John 3:16, and then.. WELCOME ABOARD. John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Blessings Jeff (Soggy bottom boy in Minnesota) Larson Ever console yourself regarding your behavior, words, judgments, and/or circumstances that makes you look bad by qualifying a these moments by saying something like .. “Well at least I am not like ‘so-in-so’. Or the infamous backwards apology that goes like… “I’m sorry BUT” and the but is followed by a litany of excuses that makes your apology anything but apologetic. "I'm sorry BUT your face got in the way of my fist?" and just like that.. man grades his life on a curve. So today I am going to console those of us with bad budgets, bad marriages, bad kids (actually they are not bad kids, only 'good' kids making bad choices), bad job, bad health, bad attitudes, or bad hair with.. men, women, and circumstances from the Bible and our world today.. that are intended to make us feel better. Are you ready? Well let’s get started. The Old Testament - Yes my wife and I argue sometimes, but at least I never gave her away - Nor had reason to tell my wife I was saved by a prostitute - I have worked some bad jobs, but never as bad as guard duty on the Walls of Jericho. - Yes I get migraines, but at least I never had a LITERAL splitting headache - No I have not always liked my neighbors, but at least it never became.. violent. - I will confess now and then I have occasional adult acne (argh) but at least it never went rogue! - OK on occasion I skip my daily shower, but at least I never smelled like FISH BARF The New Testament - Not everyone agrees with my strong opinions, but at least no one wants me dead (that I know of) - My Credit Rating may not be perfect, but at least my finances are not public knowledge. - I have not always listened to God, but at least He has not used a Blinding Light to get my attention. - I confess I have fallen in sleep in church, but at least I have never fallen out of a church pew (yet) - Not everyone likes my cartoons but at least (so far) I am not the target of murderous 'anti-humor' zealots - I have had a number of minor health issues over the years but at least I never been bit by a snake - I confess to a few speeding tickets in my life, but at least I have not done jail time TODAY - I am no Einstein, but at least I know the difference between figurative and literal. - I am not a perfect husband, but at least I no longer THINK OUT LOUD... often. And finally..- I may not be perfect, but at least I am not ONE OF THEM! .. sorry.. it is the cheese that made me do it. So while life's trials and circumstances real, at least I never have to face them alone. This is not a Christian cliche' , but is our rock solid hope we have with Jesus. Psalms 23 1 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, 3 he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. 4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. 6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. May God bless each of you this day. May you be inspired by at least you never are alone in this life. If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31 Jeff (at least I don't attend a snake handler church) Larson |
AuthorThe mutterings on life and faith by cartoonist Jeff Larson Archives
January 2025
Back Pew - Draw Close to God
My Book- 116 pages of cartoons of 'Clean Humor & God's Truth' CRITICS ARE SAYING.
LAUGHTER is just a click away