Is the amazing story of God's deliverance of His people through his faithful obedient servant Moses.
Is the amazing story of God's deliverance of His people through his faithful obedient servant Moses.

Exodus begins with Israel in slavery and Egypt wary of the growing number of Jews. So worried was Pharaoh that he commanded every baby boy born from the Jewish slaves be put to death. Exodus 1
Baby Moses.. Now enters stage left. Baby Moses was the son of a Jewish slave, and so to avoid Pharaoh's 'kill all baby boys edict,' he placed him in a basket in the reeds of the Nile.
He is then discovered by Pharaoh's daughter, who takes Moses as her own. He raises him as a prince of Egypt and uses Moses' real mother as his. Super Nanny. Exodus 2: 1-8
Baby Moses.. Now enters stage left. Baby Moses was the son of a Jewish slave, and so to avoid Pharaoh's 'kill all baby boys edict,' he placed him in a basket in the reeds of the Nile.
He is then discovered by Pharaoh's daughter, who takes Moses as her own. He raises him as a prince of Egypt and uses Moses' real mother as his. Super Nanny. Exodus 2: 1-8

Next, we are told of Moses as a man observing the abusive treatment of a Jewish slave, and in response, Moses murders the Egyptian responsible for this abuse and buries him in the sand.
Once this murder is discovered, Moses must run for his life, where he ends up in the land of Midian. Exodus 2: 11-15 In Midian, Moses gets the job of sheep tender for a man named Reuel and marries Reuel's daughter Zipporah.
In the years to follow, the mistreatment of the Jews in Egypt is heard by God, and God is faithful and loving in his response to these children of faithful Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This is God's chosen people, and they will be freed. Exodus 2: 16-25
Once this murder is discovered, Moses must run for his life, where he ends up in the land of Midian. Exodus 2: 11-15 In Midian, Moses gets the job of sheep tender for a man named Reuel and marries Reuel's daughter Zipporah.
In the years to follow, the mistreatment of the Jews in Egypt is heard by God, and God is faithful and loving in his response to these children of faithful Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This is God's chosen people, and they will be freed. Exodus 2: 16-25

The Burning Bush
While tending sheep, Moses encounters a burning bush where the Lord speaks to Moses from the fire. The bush burns but is not consumed.
From this burning bush, Moses is called by God to free the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Exodus 3 Understandably, Moses is overwhelmed and replies to God, "First of all, I am wanted for murder, and second of all, I am just one guy, and third of all, ya know, 'Mo don't speak so good-er.' Exodus 4:1-10
While tending sheep, Moses encounters a burning bush where the Lord speaks to Moses from the fire. The bush burns but is not consumed.
From this burning bush, Moses is called by God to free the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Exodus 3 Understandably, Moses is overwhelmed and replies to God, "First of all, I am wanted for murder, and second of all, I am just one guy, and third of all, ya know, 'Mo don't speak so good-er.' Exodus 4:1-10
But God shows Moses signs of his power, turning his shepherd staff into a serpent and back again into a staff. Then God turns Moses' hand leprous and then heals it instantly. God assures Moses it will be through him He will free his people.
Still, Moses is hesitant to God's directive to the point where God decides to kill him!
I do not understand how this following sequence played out. It must have been a cultural thing. But to save Moses, his wife Zippy cuts off the foreskin of one of their sons and throws it on Moses' feet to save his life. Nuff said about that. Exodus 4:21-26
Still, Moses is hesitant to God's directive to the point where God decides to kill him!
I do not understand how this following sequence played out. It must have been a cultural thing. But to save Moses, his wife Zippy cuts off the foreskin of one of their sons and throws it on Moses' feet to save his life. Nuff said about that. Exodus 4:21-26
Next stop... Showdown at the 'O.K. Pyramid' with Pharoah and the Seven Plagues.