School Days, School Days... Dear old Golden Rule days
' Reading and 'riting and 'rithmetic
Taught to the tune of the hick'ry stick'
hick’ry stick? This is so not politically correct! and... I like it!
The Back BACK!
Back to school begins traditionally the day after Labor Day here in Minnesota. Parents, students, and teachers transition from vacations, picnics, and the beach to a world of chalk dust, textbooks, report cards, and a possible trip to the principal's office.
BackPewLand (BPL) Area Schools offer a Christian WorldView where faith is evident everywhere you look. The Bible teaches... Happy is the nation whose God is the Lord Psalms 33:12, ... and so it goes without saying that blessed is the school whose God is the Lord.
We teach...
Meet you at the Pole
We all participate in the Meet You at the Pole Prayer time .. weather permitting then head inside to continue our above-mentioned attitude of prayer. Of course, in winter, we playfully refer to the bus stops as Meet You at the North Pole.
Our Education Philosophy blends the three Rs with one God. 1+1=2, the first President of the United States was George Washington, and the one true God is the God from our Bibles.
We won't wish you Happy Holidays.. but instead will wish you a Merry Christmas, and Easter Week we will declare Jesus is Risen... He is Risen indeed.
Open Communication between students and teachers is promoted. All student excuses no matter believable, or any flimsy (i.e. my dog ate my homework) tale told.. will be met with an open mind followed by a just and fair (but not naive) verdict.
Please note much is expected of our teachers, but they are respected and appreciated. Teachers are NOT the enemy.
- The Pledge of Allegiance is recited every morning. The phrase one nation under God is not a sign of Christian Nationalism, but instead just what it says one nation UNDER GOD!
- The Star Spangled Banner is sung before football games and everyone stands. Our No Kneeling Policy is enforced unless you are praying.
- There is Prayer in School. There are those silent but passionate prayers by the occasional unprepared students, and never any confusion about whom our prayers are directed. There is only one God who answers our prayers... There is only one God and he is the God of our Bibles.
Meet you at the Pole
We all participate in the Meet You at the Pole Prayer time .. weather permitting then head inside to continue our above-mentioned attitude of prayer. Of course, in winter, we playfully refer to the bus stops as Meet You at the North Pole.
Our Education Philosophy blends the three Rs with one God. 1+1=2, the first President of the United States was George Washington, and the one true God is the God from our Bibles.
We won't wish you Happy Holidays.. but instead will wish you a Merry Christmas, and Easter Week we will declare Jesus is Risen... He is Risen indeed.
Open Communication between students and teachers is promoted. All student excuses no matter believable, or any flimsy (i.e. my dog ate my homework) tale told.. will be met with an open mind followed by a just and fair (but not naive) verdict.
Please note much is expected of our teachers, but they are respected and appreciated. Teachers are NOT the enemy.
Our Core Curriculum for Godly Brainiacs
As you will see below, our curriculum offers a broad range of learning opportunities.
As you will see below, our curriculum offers a broad range of learning opportunities.
Language Arts...
ENG002 – GIT-R-DUN redneck evangelism ENG099 - Beattitudes ENG100- Root Canals and Leviticus ENG200- Word Hiding (and Biology credit too!) ENG300- Good News Evangelism *Sharing the good news via written and spoken word |
MT001- Multiplication 4 beginners MT100- Story Problems MT200- Everyday Math * God's message by the numbers is taught and learned. 3 loaves and fish feed a multitude.. and stuff like that. |
Stats & Probabilities...
ST100- Potluck Drool Probabilities. ST110- Coffee & Sermon Correlations ST400- Book of Life Data Entry Stats & Probabilities *The certainty of Heaven for all who believe is emphasized in all statistics classwork |
EC100- Financial Planning Basics EC300- MLM Wealth with just mites EC400- True Prosperity EC401- Treasures v Loans In the end... it's only money |
SC001- The Big Bang SC100- Evolution v Creation SC300- Global Warming SC301- Global Flooding SC400- Einstein * Where Science and Faith are Friends |
Information Technologies...
IT100- Computers are from the DEVIL IT120- Choosing the Best Tablet IT200- Geek 2 Greek Translators IT300- The Computer Virus and elders who are geeks IT500- God and Social Media IT1000- Technology replacing conversation * technology is an amazing blessing and curse in today's society |
MS100- The Joyful Noises MS101- Kazoo Koncertos MS2000- Great Hymn Guitar Riffs MS210- Piano Beyond Chop Sticks MS300- Mosh Pit Safety MS400- Banjo .. sweet as an angel's harp Physical Education... PE100- Running the Good Race PE200- Muscles without Steroids PE400- Karate & Worship & Bunny Slipper Karate *A Healthy Body to go with a Healthy Mind is our goal |
PH101- Dust + Breath of God = Adam PH102- One Male Rib Made into a Beautiful Woman PH200- Parting Seas for Dummies PH300- Water Walking PH400- Advanced Storm Calming PH410- Raising the Dead (seniors only) *all the laws of nature are tweaked at God's command. Drivers Education... DE100- Drivers Ed = Prayer in School DE110- Teen Drivers(Dos & Don’ts.. mostly Don’ts) DE200- Rush Hour Sinners .. drive, but SIN NOT DE400- EYES ON the Road v distracted driving DE401- GPS v LOST The road to Heaven is narrow, but to Hell, it is a reckless autobahn of motor madness |
Political Science...
PS100- God n Country with Professor Uncle Sam. PS200- Voting and other jokes PS300- Counting Votes using all your fingers and toes. * We teach our students to have a deep personal faith reflected in their votes and civic involvement. Health & Diet... HL101- Resurrection 101 HL200- Advanced Resurrections DI400- Body Temples * eat right, sleep is good, and no vices. History... HS100 – In the Beginning HS200 Gospels Times HS201- The First Church HS400 - Planning for Tomorrow |
Home Economics...
HE100- Feed a Multitude on a budget HE200- How to make your own Coat of Many Colors *Handy around the Home Industrial Arts aka SHOP.. IA100- Ark Building, IA200 - Tower Building *We teach construction with the philosophy... If we build it.. they will come. Art... ART100- Draw Unto the Lord The importance of coloring inside the lines. There is only 1 art class dedicated to sharing clean humor & God's Truth taught by the BPLand president and founder Jeff Larson (aka me). |
B100– Marching Bands bringing down da house! B200– Angel Trumpet Troupe B101- Big Horn Sheep Jazz SPORTS... Football, Baseball, Basketball, and more… |
THE AUDIO VISUAL CLUB... the loud and the proud
AV100 – VR Church outreach to a geeky world ROTC... M100 – West Point Victories on a Budget M200 – Jawbone Martial Arts |