DEATH.. by Cartoon.. While there were preexisting conditions, it was THE CARTOON that killed him. - CDC (Center of Deceased Cartoonists) Dr. Foogee Dateline: 11th Century BC CSI Report:
Later testing determined VIC did not die from bump on head and not from his head being severed, but instead it was .. COVID-19! Kidding, kidding, I could not help myself. Truth is .. the VIC was Goliath who met his demise in the form of the shepherd boy David armed with a sling, a few choice stones all endorsed by the very POWER OF GOD. BUT.. I digress... as this event should be classified as.. DEATH BY CARTOON. Note: From the beginning through this very day, only Enoch, and Elijah have been given a 'hall pass' from God to cheat death. In the case of Elijah, he lived even though he was not wearing his seat belt. To this truth my good friend Bryan Anderson clings on to as America's lone 'seat belt denier'. Everyone else gasped their last breath and succumbed their inevitable demise. Let me share a few more memorable DEATH BY CARTOON Bible moments. In the day of the OT (old testament) - Sisera died from a tent stake splitting headache. - Eglon was run through. - Noah's neighbors could not tread water for 40 days and nights. - Jericho Guards fell down go boom. - Abimelech's world was rocked.. lol, killed by a 'girl' then on to the New Testament where - Lazarus DEAD!.. then not dead - Jesus died then of course rose from the grave. while the .. - The Thief died on the cross next to Jesus, but then HEAVEN! Truly Amazing Grace finally we read about.. - Death riding on a horse and in need of a tic-tac. DEATH .. more than a macabre theme for Halloween, or the chilly exit from out time on this Earth. For believers death is the beginning to LIFE eternal. Oh death where is your victory? Oh death where is your sting? I Corinthians 15:55 Since I probably will not leave this Earth riding a chariot of fire, and I know this life is just a drop in the ocean of eternity. I will grieve when loved one's die, but I pray always for perspective that includes eternal life for those who love God. Then death truly has no victory, death has no sting. May God bless each of you with the peace of someday eternal life with God. May we gain a glimpse of the big picture with a perspective outside our circumstances and pain we may endure. May the promise of a peace that passes all understanding become real to each those who choose to follow our God. Jeff (still kickin' in the Back Pew) Larson 1/13/2021 Top 10 Ways to DieEveryone loves Top 10 lists. So today I will share my Top 10 Ways to Die in the Bible. note: By top 10 ways to die I am talking about moments that make a fellow shout "OWEE, OWEE!" To qualify for this list the death must meet the following 3 Criteria..
So here we go,
Honorable mentions go to Eglon, the enemies of Samson, and the victims of the infamous Jars & Trumpet militia. Your list may be different than mine, and in fact please write me your favorite ways to die from the Bible. It could make my next list. Let me close today's ramble with the topic of 'Near Death' Experiences In sharp contrast to top 10 ways to die we have Near Death experiences. No not the 'out of body' stories we read about, but instead our 'sinners saved by Grace' kind of experience. When we realize our best is a filthy rags Isaiah 64:6 before God, but with a repentant heart we can receive this Amazing Grace of God we move from 'near death' an eternity in Hell to eternal life with our creator in Heaven. There are great stories of loved ones who gave their lives to Jesus on their literal death beds. These loved ones are very much like the thief on the cross who asked Jesus to remember Him, and Jesus replied "Today you will be with me in Paradise". Luke 23:43 Both moved from near death to eternal life with a repentant heart receiving God's Amazing Grace. Now, that's the kind of 'near death' experience I'm talkin' bout'. I pray God's blessings on your lives today. I pray you all have the promise of Heaven in your future. All roads do not lead to Heaven, and being a pretty good guy or gal, and/or just believing in a higher power is not good enough. Choose Jesus today if you have not already. We are all going to die (deep Back Pew insight, lol), know it matters eternally what we believe and where we place our faith. I place my faith in Jesus Christ, and I pray each of you do also. If you have not, know.. If we confess our sins, He is faithful to forgive our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness 1 John 1:9 Jeff (Not dead yet) Larson 9/21/2020 Death by .. CARTOONDEATH.. by Cartoon.. While there were preexisting conditions, it was THE CARTOON that killed him. - CDC (Center of Deceased Cartoonists) Dr. Foopie Dateline: 11th Century BC CSI Report:
CAUSE OF DEATH: Later testing determined VIC did not die from bump on head and not from his head being severed, but instead it was .. COVID-19. Kidding, kidding, I could not help myself. Truth is .. the VIC was Goliath who met his demise in the form of the shepherd boy David armed with a sling, a few choice stones all endorsed by the very POWER OF GOD. BUT.. I digress... as this event should be classified as.. DEATH BY CARTOON. Let me share a few more memorable DEATH BY CARTOON Bible moments. Note: From the beginning through this very day, only Enoch, and Elijah have been given a 'hall pass' from God to cheat death. In the case of Elijah, he lived even though he was not wearing his seat belt. Everyone else gasped their last breath and succumbed their inevitable demise. - Sisera died from a tent stake splitting headache. - Eglon was run through. - Noah's neighbors could not tread water for 40 days and nights. - Jericho Guards fell down go boom. - Abimelech's world was rocked then on to the New Testament where - Lazarus DEAD!.. then not dead - Jesus died then of course rose from the grave. while the .. - The Thief died on the cross next to Jesus, but then HEAVEN! Truly Amazing Grace finally we read about.. - Death riding on a horse and in need of a tic-tac. DEATH .. more than a macabre theme for Halloween, or the chilly exit from out time on this Earth. For believers death is the beginning to LIFE eternal. Oh death where is your victory? Oh death where is your sting? I Corinthians 15:55 Since I probably will not leave this Earth riding a chariot of fire, and I know this life is just a drop in the ocean of eternity. I will grieve when loved one's die, but I pray always for perspective that includes eternal life for those who love God. Then death truly has no victory, death has no sting. May God bless each of you with the peace of eternal life with God. May we gain a glimpse of the big picture with a perspective outside our circumstances and pain we may endure. May the promise of a peace that passes all understanding become real to each those who choose to follow our God. Jeff (still kickin' in the Back Pew) Larson 8/28/2020 Bring out your DEADFirst off for Covid-19 and this no good very bad year 2020 I claim Psalms 91:2,5-6 2 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge & my fortress, .. 5 YOU WILL NOT FEAR the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, 6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. Now onward and forward I go with today's blog.. Like a curbside garbage collection, Bring out your Dead was the title of a skit from Monty Python’s movie ..The Search of the Holy Grail. The setting was ‘Medieval Times’ where the Black Plague is running through the land. Those of you who have not seen this bit are rightfully cringing.. and it is dark humor done only Python can do. Well in my cartoon brain I segue to.. 'Bring Out Your Dead' is the message of the Gospels. Again, I am NOT making fun of sickness or death, but SIN is the Spiritual Black Plague on mankind since Adam .. separating man from our sinless God. Then the Gospel of Jesus Christ calls out ‘Bring out your Dead!’ and I will give you LIFE.” In fact Jesus said.. "The thief (Satan) comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10 HOPE where there was despair, and LIFE in place of death. I must admit in the face of this truth .. I am not always living the victorious life God intends because I am a bit of a worry junkie which flies in the face of the peace that passes all understanding that God intends for me (see 2 Corinthians 10:5, and Philippians 4:7) I am good at borrowing trouble from tomorrow and if not careful with all that borrowing.. I build up a 'trouble' debt! BUT I WANT LIFE AND WANT IT TO THE FULL! Not full like a protestant at a potluck dinner.. but instead full of God's peace and perspective and love that goes beyond any earthly circumstance. So today is a good day to Bring out the dead in my life.. confess my fears failures, sins and trust that God's Grace, and be assured He is ALL THAT I NEED. Jesus is LIFE in a world that is DEAD. Like Lazarus physically rising from the grave we are made spiritually alive in Christ. Oh Death where is your victory? Oh Death where is your sting? I Corinthians 15:55 May God bless each of you with LIFE TO THE FULL.. motivated by a love for God and others. Jeff (I'm not dead yet) Larson |
AuthorThe mutterings on life and faith by cartoonist Jeff Larson Archives
September 2024
Back Pew - Draw Close to God
My Book- 116 pages of cartoons of 'Clean Humor & God's Truth' CRITICS ARE SAYING.
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