In 1971, John Lennon wrote the song 'Imagine' encouraging us to imagine a world at peace without borders, religion, nationality, or attachment to material possessions. This song, 'Imagine,' is intended as a message for our world: choose anarchy over order, insults over compliments, greed over generosity, crass over clever, profane over profound, hatred over love, war over peace, and violence over peace. This song 'Imagine' shares a hope for bliss in this world that is a mess, while I would happily settle for imagining my world without rush-hour traffic, fewer aches and pains in my body, and where calories I consume would treat my waistline with a bit of respect. John Lennon's Imagine shares a 'nice' broad brush imagination of a 'world living as one.' Still, without the Gospel message (not the religions of man), this tumultuous world can only place its hope in the devices and schemes of finite man. These well-meaning but finite plans ultimately fail when compared with the perfect ways of our Omnipotent, Omnipresent, perfect-in-love Heavenly Father. Note: It seems silly to compare the 'imaginings' of the Creator of All Things with the collective wisdom of all men from all times. The 'infinity edge' goes to God. DROP THE MIC! Next, let's fast forward 30 years from John Lennon's 1971 song Imagine to 2001, when Bart Millard of the Christian Music band MercyMe released the song 'I Can Only Imagine.' This MercyMe song ponders some day Heaven and be standing before our Heavenly Father. But, as it is written, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him" 1 Cor 2:9 With this all in mind, let me share the side-by-side lyrics of 'Imagine' and 'I Can Only Imagine.' I will call this... 'The Dueling Imaginations'
For those of you who kept reading this blog until the end, I pray you enjoyed and were blessed by doing a little Imagining where peace on Earth today and the promise of Heaven someday is found in Christ alone. Jeff (Imagining cartoons) Larson 7/19/2022 Those Waves are .. REAL!Most of us remember the story of Jesus telling Peter to walk on water, but as 'Pete' noticed the VERY REAL waves about him and as the seeming nonsense of walking on water began to sink in.. so did Peter. When I was younger I thought “Oh Pete of little faith, I would have done cartwheels on the sea with my perfect faith of Jesus intact”. But now after wading around in the seas of life’s experience.. I see the waves in my life are just as real as those literal waves Peter faced 2000 years or so ago, and at best I look like Gilligan hollering for SKIPPER!.. but of course this analogy falls flat as I am not comparing the Skipper with Jesus... and I am too 'husky' to be Gilligan... BUT I DIGRESS! So with my assessment that my faith is often at best an undersized mustard seed as I choose to get out of the boat and trust God. I may sink at times like Peter but.. the same Jesus who calmed the seas, healed the sick, fed the multitudes, walked on water, and rose from the grave is my answer to life’s figurative (but VERY REAL) waves of health, finance, family, or fear. I could expound on this fact, as like many of you I experience seasons of waves, and tests that put my trust in God to the test. Trust in the Lord with all your heart soul and mind and lean not unto your own understanding .. in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. Pr 3:5-6 EASY WORDS to say.. DIFFICULT WORDS to comprehend just like walking on water MAKES NO SENSE.. but I choose to believe both to be true. May God bless each of you this day in your journey. May we all learn to trust God when life is great, when life is difficult, or when all seems lost. Trust in the Lord as your providence, Trust in the Lord as your source for answers, Trust in the Lord for blessings, and Trust in the Lord for perspective that is beyond the limits of any circumstance.. so even when the waves swell and the storms rage.. we can give the triumphant shout.. SURFS UP Blessings! Jeff 1/21/2021 Render unto Caesar?Render.. to provide or give (a service, help, etc.). In the days of Jesus, the Roman Empire was the most ruthless political, social, and military power in the land. Their motto.. DON'T MESS WITH ROME, it won't end well. The religious power at this time was in the clutches of those disapproving rigid rule keepers extra ordinaires.. The Pharisees enjoyed heaping frustrating layers of tedious legalism on top of God's simple, beautiful loving truths. Matthew 23:24 Then along comes Jesus sharing the perfect Gospel message of love and hope. John 10:10 On one day the religious leaders ask Jesus a trick question to trap Jesus with his answer. "Teacher, should we pay taxes to Caesar?".. Jesus replied "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." Matthew 22:20-22 This was the original drop the mic moment before there were mics. Meanwhile today in America our government is becoming a 'big brother' political & social power propped up by the main stream & social media. Their motto.. DON'T MESS WITH BIG BROTHER.. just like Rome, it won't end well. Today's religious powers are a blend of world religions and the progressive 'Church' movement. They promote a collective faith (a higher power). They do not consider Christian Bible is not considered inerrant, and the beautiful truths on life it's pages are revised or redacted to fit their 'tolerant and evolved versions' of truth. Then along comes the True Church sharing the perfect Gospel message of love and hope. Mark 16:15 So if we are asked a loaded question like.. "Who do you obey?.. Reply.. "Render unto America what is due, but give to God what is God's. Then.. drop the mic. This blog message was born out of conversations with my wonderful wife Mary. Our country now has a new president and while some are excited America is headed in a new direction, others are very concerned. Make no mistake there will be big changes, BUT.. no matter which side you are on remember the true message of Hope is in the Gospel message and not in American politics. No need to confuse love for country with love for God, and no need to become confused where our hope lies. It is in Jesus. It is eternally more important to get the Gospel message right, than to get the tax code right. May God bless each of you to stay true to the course of the Gospel message and place your hope and purpose in the Gospel message. Blessings Jeff (Secretary of Crayons in the new Biden Administration) Larson 1/14/2021 Gloom, and Despair 2021Gloom, despair, and agony on me.. Deep, dark depression, excessive misery.. If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.. Gloom, despair, and agony on me. Gloom & Despair could be a paraphrased excerpt from Ecclesiastes penned by King Solomon.. but.. in fact they are the lyrics from the silly country ditty of the same title.. Gloom Depair and Agony on me. by Buck Owens & Roy Clark. This tune was played as part of a regular comedy sketch on the TV show Hee-Haw where hillbilly folk lamented their dire circumstances. For those of you too young to know, or trying to forget.. Hee-Haw was a television variety show featuring country music and corny but clean humor with the fictional rural "Kornfield Kounty" as a backdrop. It aired on CBS from 1969 to 1971. note: If you have not figured it out by now, I am your go-to source for obscure TV and movie trivia. You are all very welcome. Gloom & Despair could also be the mantra for 2021. I thought 2020 was bad, but.. 2021 is not starting out so great either. We still have Covid wearing masks, we still have Civil unrest, racial tensions, we have a nation very much divided, and (in my opinion) a church that looks more like the world than it does Jesus. All is lost, gloom and doom, and life is so bad I would feel 'lucky' to call our circumstances hopeless. Are we all LOSERS living in Loserville USA? No offense intended, but I am positive to some degree or another this is true. BUT.. no matter the circumstances, and/or blunders we make individually or collectively we can purposefully choose to repent and return to God. But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness." 1 John 1:9 Our hope is not in politicians, or a social justice agendas, our hope is in Jesus. note: Jesus is not a cliché', Jesus is truth, He is our salvation. He came to Earth, was our perfect example and teacher for life. He lived, and died on the Cross, and rose again so that we might live. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 So for all us losers in Loserville, the question of the hour is.. If God is for us, who can be against us? Ro:31 This is easily one of greatest rhetorical questions EVER! Instead of the worry and angst that goes along with living imperfectly in this imperfect world in a very imperfect year 2021 .. we can have peace and perspective from our God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7 This peace comes when we.. love God with all your heart soul and mind and others as yourself. All of life hangs on those two commandments. - Jesus, Matthew 22:36-40 I think the Apostle Paul was the king of contentment that rose above circumstance. No place Gloom, Despair, or Agony on me, deep dark depression, excessive misery in the eyes of Paul. Only loving God and serving others. So today I pray.. May God bless each of you in 2021 with a gloom and despair free attitude knowing .. My help (your help too) comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.. Psalm 121 1 Amen, and amen! Jeff Ever console yourself regarding your behavior, words, judgments, and/or circumstances that makes you look bad by qualifying a these moments by saying something like .. “Well at least I am not like ‘so-in-so’. Or the infamous backwards apology that goes like… “I’m sorry BUT” and the but is followed by a litany of excuses that makes your apology anything but apologetic. "I'm sorry BUT your face got in the way of my fist?" and just like that.. man grades his life on a curve. So today I am going to console those of us with bad budgets, bad marriages, bad kids (actually they are not bad kids, only 'good' kids making bad choices), bad job, bad health, bad attitudes, or bad hair with.. men, women, and circumstances from the Bible and our world today.. that are intended to make us feel better. Are you ready? Well let’s get started. The Old Testament - Yes my wife and I argue sometimes, but at least I never gave her away - Nor had reason to tell my wife I was saved by a prostitute - I have worked some bad jobs, but never as bad as guard duty on the Walls of Jericho. - Yes I get migraines, but at least I never had a LITERAL splitting headache - No I have not always liked my neighbors, but at least it never became.. violent. - I will confess now and then I have occasional adult acne (argh) but at least it never went rogue! - OK on occasion I skip my daily shower, but at least I never smelled like FISH BARF The New Testament - Not everyone agrees with my strong opinions, but at least no one wants me dead (that I know of) - My Credit Rating may not be perfect, but at least my finances are not public knowledge. - I have not always listened to God, but at least He has not used a Blinding Light to get my attention. - I confess I have fallen in sleep in church, but at least I have never fallen out of a church pew (yet) - Not everyone likes my cartoons but at least (so far) I am not the target of murderous 'anti-humor' zealots - I have had a number of minor health issues over the years but at least I never been bit by a snake - I confess to a few speeding tickets in my life, but at least I have not done jail time TODAY - I am no Einstein, but at least I know the difference between figurative and literal. - I am not a perfect husband, but at least I no longer THINK OUT LOUD... often. And finally..- I may not be perfect, but at least I am not ONE OF THEM! .. sorry.. it is the cheese that made me do it. So while life's trials and circumstances real, at least I never have to face them alone. This is not a Christian cliche' , but is our rock solid hope we have with Jesus. Psalms 23 1 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, 3 he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. 4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. 6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. May God bless each of you this day. May you be inspired by at least you never are alone in this life. If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31 Jeff (at least I don't attend a snake handler church) Larson 8/28/2020 Bring out your DEADFirst off for Covid-19 and this no good very bad year 2020 I claim Psalms 91:2,5-6 2 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge & my fortress, .. 5 YOU WILL NOT FEAR the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, 6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. Now onward and forward I go with today's blog.. Like a curbside garbage collection, Bring out your Dead was the title of a skit from Monty Python’s movie ..The Search of the Holy Grail. The setting was ‘Medieval Times’ where the Black Plague is running through the land. Those of you who have not seen this bit are rightfully cringing.. and it is dark humor done only Python can do. Well in my cartoon brain I segue to.. 'Bring Out Your Dead' is the message of the Gospels. Again, I am NOT making fun of sickness or death, but SIN is the Spiritual Black Plague on mankind since Adam .. separating man from our sinless God. Then the Gospel of Jesus Christ calls out ‘Bring out your Dead!’ and I will give you LIFE.” In fact Jesus said.. "The thief (Satan) comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10 HOPE where there was despair, and LIFE in place of death. I must admit in the face of this truth .. I am not always living the victorious life God intends because I am a bit of a worry junkie which flies in the face of the peace that passes all understanding that God intends for me (see 2 Corinthians 10:5, and Philippians 4:7) I am good at borrowing trouble from tomorrow and if not careful with all that borrowing.. I build up a 'trouble' debt! BUT I WANT LIFE AND WANT IT TO THE FULL! Not full like a protestant at a potluck dinner.. but instead full of God's peace and perspective and love that goes beyond any earthly circumstance. So today is a good day to Bring out the dead in my life.. confess my fears failures, sins and trust that God's Grace, and be assured He is ALL THAT I NEED. Jesus is LIFE in a world that is DEAD. Like Lazarus physically rising from the grave we are made spiritually alive in Christ. Oh Death where is your victory? Oh Death where is your sting? I Corinthians 15:55 May God bless each of you with LIFE TO THE FULL.. motivated by a love for God and others. Jeff (I'm not dead yet) Larson 8/22/2020 Messiah for.. President?The Messiah is here! We will all be saved by the 2020 Presidential Election! ?? hmmm .. not so much I was listening to the radio a few election years back on the way to vote, and there was an interview with a young woman who took her daughter out of school to vote. This woman was so excited to vote for president saying.. “I have hope for the first time in my life. I won’t have to worry about putting gas in my car or paying my mortgage because if I help ‘him’ with my vote.. ‘he’ will help me.” I actually heard this with my own ears… I am not embellishing! I quickly drove to my place of voting hopeful to see if Jesus Christ was on the ballot. He was not. I hope to think her point was made with a broad brush speaking to a big picture of hope, but it still made me cringe. Truth is.. UNLESS the candidate she votes for owns the gas station chain she frequents, and owns the mortgage note on her house .. her hope is NOT found in either candidate. Oh, and who we vote for should be based on God's Truth, and not persuaded by a meddling MSM.
What this country needs most is a real REVIVAL where the hearts and minds of Americans seek God's first. Happy is the nation whose God is the Lord, not happy is the nation whose god is whoever you want him/her to be. There is only one God .. PERIOD, and America needs to HONOR Him not apologize for Him. ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets (and elections?) hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:37-39 In conclusion, Pray for our leaders, pray his will to be found in their actions and words.. but Pray to Jesus (our Messiah) as our hope is in the one true God. Back Pew blessings to all and.. in November vote early, and vote OFTEN! ( a little Chicago politics corruption humor) I am Jeff Larson, and I approve of this message. Jeff (voting my faith) Larson 8/19/2020 Jesus loves me.. GO FIGURE!The Bible in many ways is a RULE BOOK FOR LIFE, but beyond the Bible lists of Dos and Don’ts I find JESUS LOVES ME. Not actually beyond this but wrapped around these rules for life is the truth Jesus loves me. The Bible also includes many great and powerful acts of God .. In the Old Testament there was.. In the Gospels Jesus ..
but.. with all these jaw dropping miracles they all are just very loud clanging cymbals with the great truth Jesus loves me and He loves you! Jesus loves me, this is know.. cute Sunday School song, but.. why would the creator of this world love? It’s a miracle. While It is nearly impossible to get to know the preacher in any modern day big church (no knock on big) but in contrast our omniscient, omnipresent creator is involved with His creation to the point where all the above mentioned miracles and all the details in between occurring from Genesis 1 through this moment is NOT indifferent to His creation, though mankind often walks the other way, God is always there. <-- side note: I just completed a 72 word run-on sentence of truth. The words in our Bibles shout the truth of a personal God who loves us enough to send His us his son. From the Old Testament stories of providence, to the gospels of Jesus Christ, to the Acts of the first church, to the Revelations to John of what is to come... these are all LOVE STORIES from a loving God! An indifferent God would not be so involved or patient with mankind and it's often prone to wonder actions of free will. So In this 24/7 world of distractions from our creator, let’s realize JESUS LOVES US, and live out in response God's two greatest commandments. Love the Lord your God will all your heart, soul, and mind and others as yourself. Jesus love me this I know! Go figure! Peace be Still! Jesus love me this I know! The rest is details. Jeff (Jesus loves me this I know) Larson sidepoint: I bought a coffee coaster that says.. Jesus loves you, BUT I'm His favorite. While this is of course not true ( He loves us all the same ) but I thought it was a cute smirky coaster. 8/13/2020 Life is FLASHINGToday, I am sharing a memory from a couple summers before all things COVID-19 when LIFE began FLASHING before my eyes. (dateline: 8/13/2018) Life Flashing before my eyes.. In 7 short days I have experienced highs and lows, laughter and tears, life and death. I know most of all of us have weeks like this, but last week was my turn. On Tuesday August 9th my Aunt Marie passed away unexpectedly at the age of 87. She was very special to me, Marie (known as Babe) was loved and will be missed of course by family and friends. We all grieve and are sad for our loss, but celebrate her arrival to Heaven where she is reunited with family, friends, and most importantly JESUS. This is the paradox of the Christian experience where our existence moves from life on Earth, to death, then to Eternity in Heaven for those who love the Lord. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away. Revelations 21:4 Then Friday morning August 10th my long awaited (9+ months) expected third granddaughter Reagan Holland Larson arrived. SHE'S A KEEPER! This of course is the best kind of news, and holding her the following morning was a perfect healing touch for my grieving heart. BUT THAT'S NOT ALL.. Over these same 7 days my wife's family were in town for a reunion. There are six siblings in the Laun family.. ages 83, 82, 79, 77, 60, while my wife is the itsy bitsy BABY at age 57. All six siblings were here with their spouses along with a smattering of kids and grandkids. Activities included sight seeing, a picnic, paddle boat ride on the Mississippi, and a (heart attack free )baseball game of sorts with players ranging from age 6 through 77. This was a great time of celebrating family and heritage. All are doing well and actually still like each other. - Who knew families still like each other these days. - Health of all siblings is good, but if some nefarious sort targeting senior citizens robbed us the highlight of their booty would selling our hearing aides on the black market. The only negative me spending that many days with Mary's family is that I ate waaay too much. I know, I don't have to eat so much, but.. mind your own business. So there you have it, what a week. Life Flashing before my eyes? .. or as Mufasa from the Lion King explains.. This is the Circle of Life. This Life is messy, including roller coaster moments wanting you to exit the ride, or 'hurl'. From birth through the family reunions to that day until this ride stops .. this life is a gift from God. If you don't know Jesus, if you don't have a relationship with God.. now is the time to say YES to Him. Say YES acknowledging Him as savior of your life, and giving Him the proper place in your life. This life is flashing and will be gone before you know it.. then eternity. I pray we all choose wisely, it matters eternally. For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 May God bless each of your lives with joy in your journey. Remember always to love God, enjoy the big and little things of this life, love &care for others with the promise of someday Heaven for those who love Him. Because this life is FLASHING and then in the blink of an eye .. eternity. Jeff update: Now 2 years later and life is still messy but good. My now 2 year old beautiful granddaughter Reagan has a smile that melts me. All my sibling-inlaws are doing well, and God is so good even in this most ugly of years 2020. 7/27/2020 Hope in any Shadowy Death Valley.. I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Ps 23:4 The 23rd Psalm is a classic go-to scripture of comfort for believers. I read the beginning 'the Lord is my shepherd' to the concluding promise 'I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever'.. BUT my life seems to be hung up these days in the middle.. the SHADOWY DEATH VALLEY part. Maybe I am the only one, BUT.. in this divisive election year, with social unrest, riots, racial tensions, persecution of Christians, and where socialism, and Marxism are being mainstreamed all while this little (microscopic little) virus Covid-19 deepens our paranoia and to wear a mask or not wear a mask has divided even our churches to where we are mandated to comply. This is a whole other discussion, but my point is .. WELCOME TO SHADY DEATH VALLEY 2020. Who knew there was a VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH in Minnesota in my neighborhood, but I am living proof it is here and wants to be here to stay. The good news.. no.. THE GREAT NEWS is .. if I Love God with all my heart soul and mind, and others as myself, AND pray for God's providence for me, the promise of Psalms 23 is true. I do not want to be caught up with focusing on just a part of Psalms 23:4.. I must read it in context of the whole chapter to find my peace So the next time I find myself lost in any VALLEY I will fear no evil because of the complete promise of Psalms 23. While bad stuff, bad people, bad weather all packaged in little bite sized segments can make a fella .. SICK... I choose to fear no EVIL. I am determined to turn off those news SHOWS, get off SOCIAL MEDIA, and turn to the source of all truth in God's word. Psalms 23 is that message of peace tucked neatly in the middle of my Bible, but reading the whole Bible provides the big picture of God's plan for mankind from the Genesis beginning, through the Gospel message of Jesus Christ and through the promise of his return. IT IS A MUST READ! I pray that God will blessed with the peace of God's answers for any SHADOWY DEATH VALLEY moments in a way that is beyond your dreams. Jeff (in the SHADE not the SHADOWS) Larson note: Let me leave you with more than a few cartoons of HOPE inspired from the Bible book of Psalms. Psalms is for everyone who feels life is hopeless, and/ or you are simply .. having a bad day. There is..
AuthorThe mutterings on life and faith by cartoonist Jeff Larson Archives
January 2025
Back Pew - Draw Close to God
My Book- 116 pages of cartoons of 'Clean Humor & God's Truth' CRITICS ARE SAYING.
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