I am not a fan of this whole getting older thing. I am now 67 and wear hearing aids. I don't like to bother with them, but I confess that, much like my bifocal glasses, they 'aid' my aging senses. Hence, the name hearing AIDS. But my ability to understand others when they spoke was even worse back in 2020, when we all donned COVID 'fashion' masks, eliminating any lip reading, and those mask-filtered voices resembled Charlie Brown's Teacher. Blah, blah, blah, blah. Sadly, I see parallels between this 2020 lip reading and my listening/hearing God's Voice. When I do not still my mind, shutting off the noise (TV, podcast, radio) while quieting myself, then the voice of God and the promptings of His Spirit sound come figuratively across like Charlie Brown's Teacher. Blah, blah, blah, ... amen? It's so easy to become distracted by the 24/7 din of this world in any typical year, but this year was an election year. A time when Politicians hijacked my TV, stuffed my mailbox, and sent their minions out to ring my doorbell more times than Halloween Trick or Treaters. If 2024 was a musical instrument, it was undoubtedly the Clanging Cymbal Marching Band described in Corinthians 13:1. But there is a better way... More QUIET, less NOISE, please. God's Word teaches us to seek a quiet place and close the door. Matthew 6:6-14 Set our minds on things above Col 3:1 and pray without ceasing, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. This leads us to a state of mind and spirit where we can experience God's peace and perspective that passes all understanding, which is our promise. Phil 4:7 And to a place where we can soar like Eagles; we will run and not faint. Is 40:31 ... Even in an election year. May God bless each of you as you tune out the noise of this world and hear His voice. Jeff (hearing aides in and on) Larson PS - Happy Birthday wishes to my mom, Nellie Larson, who now resides in Heaven. Mom would have been 99 years old this year. THANKFUL for a mom who was a Godly woman and loving mother. I am truly blessed and miss her today. 6/10/2024 PRAYING for our COW?No, you have not mistakenly opened a random Wisconsin Dairyland post or The Hindu Daily blog; you have opened yet another insightful Christian post in The Back Pew. Let me start by clearly stating conflicts and misunderstandings of ideas and purpose between the Christian faith and this secular world are as old as Genesis and continue today. <-- random Genesis COW cartoon You don't need to be an Atheist, Muslim, Jihadist, or New Ager to pick a fight. It's as easy as creating your own pronouns or becoming an activist on any college campus. All you have to do is disagree with Biblical Christianity. You know, things like denying the resurrection of Jesus or His claim to be the only way to the Father. Stuff like that. And so more is true of the harsh words, indignant anger, and pious pouting, both sincere and 'intentional' misunderstandings between the 'brethren.' We Christians sure know how to NOT get along. Like I said, sometimes sincere disagreements, and other times, we just make stuff up. For example, there was... The Great Real Estate Scandal of Ananias and Sapphira is recorded in Acts 5:1-11. In Acts 15:36-41 Paul and Barnabas parted ways over a ministry staffing issue regarding John Mark. Then, outside of our Bibles, we find the history of the Christian Church (the good, the bad, and the ugly) from Constantine to the birth of Catholicism, that little reformation issue raised by Martin Luther in 1517, Calvinism was predestined to show up in the 16th Century. Everyone was 'up in arms' over the Charismatic movement in the 1960s. Topics like indulgences, the prosperity gospel, and those get-rich-quick faith 'healers' all have earned well-deserved bullseyes as we war with each other on social media with the brethren. Some are amusing, and many are unnecessary, while others clearly relish declaring heresy as quickly as ordering from Amazon Prime. Okay, the above misunderstandings can get heavy. Many are painful to talk about and painful to the TRUE MESSAGE of the Gospel, which declares Jesus Christ is the one way to Heaven. We are commanded to Love God with all our heart, soul, and mind and then to love others as ourselves. The rest is trivia by comparison. There, the last paragraph is this post's one serious summary message, but now... let me clarify the 'PRAYER for cows?' title. As I have shared many times, I was blessed with Christian parents and attended a gospel-preaching church in my hometown of Cable, Wisconsin. The congregation of this church included people of all ages, including my Grandpa Ross. I remember the years after I graduated from high school when I still lived in the area. I would attend church on a Sunday morning sitting in the appropriate Back Pew while my Grandpa Ross, now in his early 80s, would sit next to the patriarch of Cable Church, Clarence Karow, up towards the front left of the center aisle. They were both widowers now, and both had their hearing aids turned up high enough to make the neighboring dogs bark from their squeals. And, after years of running a chainsaw as a logger, my grandpa was especially hard of hearing. Anyways, when they spoke, it was never a whisper, so each service would end; my grandpa would say to Clarence ... "Well, I guess we made it through another one." Okay, it may not be as funny to you as it is to me, but it is a sweet memory of that old man, my grandpa Ross. Now, fast forward a lot of life between this story of my Grandpa Ross and a couple of Sundays ago and a story about my wife and I, who now hold the titles of Grandma and Grandpa Larson. About 45 years after the Grandpa Ross story, my wife and I are the grandparents with, at times, hearing issues. Anyway, we now attend a Gospel-preaching church in Ramsey, Minnesota. Like my home church in Cable, Wisconsin, it is well attended by people of all ages. So, the other week, we were sitting with another couple that sat between us. The stage is set for our church to PRAY for our COWS. During the service, there was a time when people could share praise or prayer requests. A woman sitting with her family stood up and asked for a prayer for her cow. I was unsure I was hearing her right, so I continued listening. I learned that she has asked for prayer before as her COW as there is an infection that is not easily treated. It may take even years of specialized antibiotics to get this infection under control. So I am thinking, ok, so she must live on a small farm, and the well-being of her COW has some significance that I don't understand since I only have a dog. Meanwhile, my wife, sitting three chairs away, has the same understanding as me and is equally puzzled ( I learned this later in the car on the drive home). Well, I figured out as she touched her son, and people gathered that they would pray for her son... CAL? Around the same time, my wife Mary whispers to her friend, sitting beside her, "Are we praying for her COW? Her friend told her no, her son CAL. So, while I loved to tell the story about my Grandpa Ross, I think someday in Heaven, he will greet me with a high-five and say, " He has never laughed so hard as when I prayed for a COW."
There, I am done. May your day be free of misunderstandings or meaningless conflicts. I pray we tolerate those we disagree with while always standing strong for God's Loving Truths in His Word. May we all find humor in our days and be blessed with the ability to laugh at ourselves and with others. Jeff (hearing aides loaded) Larson 11/27/2023 When God speaksHello, hello... it's been a while since my last post. I have been busy working on Back Pew tasks outside these blog posts, but I am back and plan to post more regularly. Now onward to today's post. I am 66 and wear hearing aids. I don't like to bother with them, but like my bifocal glasses, they 'aid' my aging senses. And then, remember back in 2020, when we all donned COVID masks, eliminating any lip reading, and our mask-filtered voices resembled Charlie Brown's Teacher. Similarly, when I seek a relationship with God but do not still my mind or slow my pace, the promptings of God's Holy Spirit may also have the same Charlie Brown's Teacher quality. It's easy to become overwhelmed by the 24/7 din of our world with another election season upon us; we may find ourselves playing in stride as a member of the Clanging Cymbal Marching Band described in Corinthians 13:1. But there is a better way... More QUIET, less NOISE, please. God's Word teaches us to... pray without ceasing, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, and when we pray to seek a quiet place and close the door, Matthew 6:6-14 There is no more excellent pursuit than to know the creator of this world.
May God bless you as you listen to His voice. Jeff (hearing aides in and on) Larson 10/14/2022 PRAYER is ... and is notFor some time now I have been using The Lord's Prayer as my prayer model. After all, Jesus taught His disciples this prayer and it covers all the bases (adoration, service, needs, forgiveness, and avoiding temptation). The Lord's Prayer is wise also in that it keeps our prayers from becoming simply narcissistic endeavors. Without structure, our prayers often meander down life's road while we mumble off and on to God who we have sitting in the way backseat of our prayer mobile (such as it is) Between songs on the radio and checking our Twitter feed we barely say "Hi" to God and so truly seeking Him is not on the radar. Oh without a doubt we can turn to the Lord in times of need, we can cut to the chase nd cry "HELP ME LORD!" and know that He always hears us, and God's answers are wiser than our prayers. But over the years I have from time to time treated prayer as if I was the center of the universe. I would not think that was true, but.. now that I model my prayers after 'The Lord's Prayer I realize my prayer life was weak. Like a kid sitting on Santa's Lap with my Christmas list than I did someone who foremost desired to be a servant of God. Q. So, am I in love with the creator of the world that loves me, or just a needy churchgoer looking for a Genie in the lamp with unlimited wishes? So how should we pray? Jesus instructed His disciples.. in Matthew 6:5-15 5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. 9 “This, then, is how you should pray: “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, (REALIZE HOW GREAT GOD IS) 10 your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. (HOW CAN I SERVE YOU, GOD? 11 Give us today our daily bread. (LORD PLEASE PROVIDE FOR MY NEEDS) 12 And forgive us our debts, (FORGIVE ME OF MY SINS) as we also have forgiven our debtors. (BE FORGIVING OF OTHERS) 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’ (LORD KEEP ME FROM TEMPTATION) 14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. I am curious what others of you use as a model for your prayer life. Please share as I would love to learn more from others. No matter the method I pray we all become men and women known for our prayers to our God who is deserving of our worship and adoration.
Love God, love others and the rest is details. ... AMEN Blessings Jeff 6/10/2022 The Resounding Silence of GodMax Lucado wrote a book in 1994 titled ''When God whispers your name'. It is a great read with his usual humor and spiritual insights, but my question is.. What happens when God whispers my name but .. I am hard of hearing, or maybe God simply remains silent? Truth is I do wear hearing aides. Not so many years ago I weathered personal hurricane force storms in back to back years. My finances, health, and spirit were challenged and I didn't know if I would survive the first year's storm only to be windblown and tattered the next year too. I have never despaired more in my life. Let me tell you I literally sobbed, and cried out to God for HELP. I wanted God to calm these storms, but my prayers were met with His resounding SILENCE. Why, O Lord, do you stand far away? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble? Ps 10:1 My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, from the words of my groaning? O my God, I cry by day, but you do not answer, and by night, but I find no rest. Ps 22:1-2 I admit my cries to God were not as eloquent as when David penned the above Psalms, but I shed enough literal tears to warrant flood insurance. Side note on Crying: When a woman cries we feel empathy as her deep emotions touch our hearts. When a man cries it sounds like a wounded Badger caught in a trap trying to gnaw off his leg in a short sighted attempt to escape his pain. Those in ear shot want to put that badger out of his misery, and the crying men.. STOP IT! but I digress.. Now back to my storms.. During these stormy days I discovered God's providence/answers were found in His silence. During my storms I needed to experience the full impact of my situation including my mistakes and their circumstances. note: There is an infinite difference between God not ignoring my prayers and God being silent as an answer. God was with me the whole time, but pain and reflection was important for me to grow on a true path of restoration. A genie in a lamp with three hot wishes available was NOT what I needed. Life rains on the just and the unjust Mt. 5:45, the Jeffs and the unJeffs! We all know the story of Peter walking on water until he took his eyes off Jesus and focused on those very real waves.. and began to sink. Just like Peter those the very real waves in my life overwhelmed me because I did not put my trust in the man who walks on water and calms the seas. The good news is I endured those stormy years and learned over time how faithful and loving God was and is. The details of my storm(s) are not important except to share a lesson learned when God seems silent. “Be still, and know that He is God." Ps 46:10 This is my prayer for you too. Be still, be faithful, be listening, be prayerfully try to remain peaceful even when you experience God's Resounding Silence. Blessings Jeff (wearing my Hearing Aids) Larson 5/11/2022 Stay in your Lane bro..As a guy.. I am a TV Commercial aficionado. While I respect my wife.. when it comes to TV Commercials hands-down I have a deeper appreciation for their .. art. Case and point is a TV commercial by AT&T where a tattoo artist tells his client he is just an ok tattoo artist but not good one. Then the concerned client questions the tattoo artist not drawing the image before inking the real tattoo.. and this 'just ok' tattoo artist tells him "Stay in your lane bro." Funny stuff, and it makes me smile every time it pops up on TV. Message of this commercial? Don't settle for just ok. But hidden in this TV ad.. I have gleaned a spiritual correlation. OK, you have to look very very closely but I swear there is one. When I talk to (aka pray) God, I am not talking with a just an OK deity.. I am talking with the 'only' Creator of this World. Omniscient, Omnipresent, and our perfect loving Heavenly Father. So when I vent (aka pray) to God my busy mind fretting about never ending pandemics, inflation, midterm elections, my family, friends, and mix it all up in a big bowl of worry with more than a splash of media hype.. I tell God "I don't know how this is going to all work out." And this is when God whispers to me.. "Stay in your lane bro." But unlike a 'just ok' deity our God is sovereign. He has this bowl of worries of mine along with everyone else's favorite rage or anxiety recipe and though mankind has again made such a mess of things.. He was not caught off guard. He is not surprised, and NEWS FLASH none of this is a ripple in God's great plan. Note: I do want to be clear there are consequences for anyone and/or nation's actions and/or rejections of God, but still there is peace in knowing God is sovereign. Another NEWS FLASH.. this life, our moment in time is not about us.. it is about each of us being faithful in word and deed as we hear God say "stay in our lane bro, I got this". I will confess, I struggle in understanding this. It's not that I doubt God is sovereign but that He allows the free will of mankind to make a mess and so what am I to do. So with this in mind, I will pray to our God who is good. I pray we then love Him with our words and deeds knowing God answers our prayers. And finally, I pray.. Heavenly Father bless and use each of us for your glory in ways that only can be described as beyond our dreams. Remember God loves us. Jeff (changing lanes often) Larson 10/28/2021 What I really really.. WANTHa ha ha ha ha Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want So tell me what you want, what you really, really want I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want So tell me what you want, what you really, really want I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna really, really, really wanna .. - Spice Girls Worship Band? note: Just so you don't worry more about me I do know the above song lyrics are neither deep, or a worship song with a catchy tune. I am at a crossroads of sorts in my life. Looking for how to segue into the semi-retirment years of my life, as my wife and I are settling into the stage in our lives. So in discussing our future the phrase "what I really want" seemed to come up often.. and my caffeinated brain 'logically' jumped into the lyrics from the 1996 song 'Wannabe' by the Spice Girls. Not that I was a fan of the Spice Girls, but it was a catchy tune. But I also know it is OK to talk to God about what I want what I really want because He cares about what I want what I really really want. So I tell Him what I want what I really really want. Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for my soul. I cried to him with my mouth, and high praise was on my tongue. If I had cherished iniquity in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. But truly God has listened; he has attended to the voice of my prayer. Blessed be God, because he has not rejected my prayer or removed his steadfast love from me! -- Psalm 66:16-20 (ESV) Our God is better than any Genie in a Lamp where our every wish/prayer is granted. Our God is our personal loving Heavenly Father hears our cry and desires what is best for each of us. So to be clear I can count on God wanting his best for me, and even better yet He KNOWS what is best for me. Not so many years ago we were house shopping and made offers on three homes but each time the offer of another potential buyer was chosen. The last offer we were the runner up to the buyer who was chosen. I guess we were like the Miss Congeniality of home buyers.. and were still disappointed. But after this moment (ok, it was a half a day) of disappointment. We turned back to trusting God in this process an actually excited about it realizing God really wants what He really really wants is our best. We now live in a home that is close to our kids and grandkids and we feel God's care and blessing in this home. I believe He is personally involved with our lives and this home buying process. This is what I believe and where my hope is. No matter if you are buying a home, single and looking for Mr or Mrs Right, choosing a career path, or the church you attend I pray you put your trust in the God who loves you. He is not indifferent, he is not detached. So pray to God and tell Him what you want. Psalm 139:7-8 I can never escape from your Spirit! I can never get away from your presence! If I go up to heaven, you are there; if I go down to the grave, you are there. So one last time.. Tell God what you want, what you really really want.. and seek His will. The best is yet to come. Jeff (really really wanting a donut right now) Larson 7/3/2021 This Speck on a Blue BallI have this prayer prep that I use when my mind is busy and unfocused. I slow my mind to take a glimpse of my place in this Universe. Specifically, I am a speck on a blue ball (Earth) that spins at 1000 mph orbiting around our sun in our Solar System of 8 (or 9) planets, which is one of countess galaxies in our infinite Universe. .. AND this existence.. my existence is just a microscopic blip on the timeline of .. eternity! So while I admit I should lose like 25 (or so) pounds I also am feeling very small. Then to think of the intricacies of the human body, the human condition, that I have a free will, and I believe His spirit makes me a very special speck on this blue dot. While I attempt to grasp this perspective of significance.. I pray Psalms 8:4 Who am I that you are mindful of me? .. and I am in awe of creation and more importantly our creator and His inexplicable love for each of us. Better yet, y'all best read all of Psalms 8 Now .. I am ready to pray as the world slows down.. I am an awe of God, and thankful for this day (even the bad ones), and pray that my life, my family, my friends, church, community, state, nation, and world come to realize the significance, purpose, and place as their own speck like roles on this blue dot. Love God, love others and all glory to God on this day! Cuz ya know, the rest is speck on a blue ball trivia by comparison. Blessings! Jeff (Big Speck) Larson 11/1/2020 Pathetic Prayers 2020A while back my wife Mary and I were reading Max Lucado's book He Still Moves Stones. Let me paraphrase the words of Max. The honest prayer of a hurting man, the feeble prayer of a righteous man.. the awkward prayer of the average joe/jane, the timid prayer of those emotionally/spiritually broken down.. the sincere prayer of a sinner, EVEN a 'pathetic prayer of Jeff' .. HAS GREAT POWER and WONDERFUL RESULTS. This is my rambling paraphrase of.. James 5:16.Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. , and gleaned from the truths found in .. Mark 9:14-29 where the power of God is found not in what we can do but instead when we pray. Max also writes ..Our prayers may be awkward, our attempts may be feeble. BUT since the power of prayer is in the one who 'hears' it and not the one who 'says' it, our prayers make a difference. That is great news for folk like me who can get lost in my real or perceived problems juggling them in my head all while I pray.. awkwardly. These sincere prayers are highlighted with fumbling words sounding confused, anxious, and kind of pathetic. So do you ever say pathetic prayers. I am sure you don't, it's only me right? But I would like to suggest when we feel lost and/or pathetic simply cry to God "HELP! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!" That's OK, because God does. I actually have my prayer list hanging on a bulletin board in my office. This simple list of very few words is mostly family, friends, my church, our country, and this tumultuous world.. and gives me a visual perspective that my issues pale by comparison.. LIFE IS NOT ABOUT ME and when I pray for others and trust God I find a peace that was not there when my prayers revolved around ME. Philippians 4:6-7 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. So let's all agree to bring our prayers to God even when our words are fumbling and our spirit is weak. Speak to God when you feel forsaken, alone, desperate, when your thoughts are riddled with doubts.. AND when life is good (do not let your guard down) . Our perfect Heavenly Father hears our word and His spirit intercedes for us. Romans 8:26-27 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God. May God bless all of you today with the promise of .. when life is difficult.. God says, "Don't worry, I got your back. Blessings Jeff (praying in the Back Pew) Larson ps - With the 2020 elections upon us.. our prayers are needed. It matters how we vote, and who we vote for BUT our trust is in God alone, not in any man or woman. So I pray for the people of our nation to return to God. I pray that the Christians of this nation stand strong for God's law, and become more concerned about offending God than offending man. 10/16/2020 Ants in my Picnic BasketFor most everyone living in a city of any size.. RUSH HOUR is a part of your day commute. Bumper to bumper traffic with each car filled with people from all over the city living their own lives in their own neighborhoods, their own way but sharing this joint experience on the roads and rails traveling to and from their jobs. They are EVERYWHERE like ants descending on an unprotected picnic basket each there for their take, then back to home sweet (ant hill) home. But in this moment of rush hour madness I pondered the complexity of our 'ant farm like' society. On just one city road (in a world of countless other roads just as busy as this one), carrying so many drivers and passengers in this great big TERARRIUM called Earth... and I am just ONE of the many ants living in a northern city/ant-hill suburb of Minneapolis Minnesota. This ant hill sits right next to another big ant-hill/city St Paul. Are you feeling SMALL and INSIGNIFICANT YET and maybe a bit creeped out by this bug analogy? Sorry, my bad. It is mind boggling to grasp in contrast to any colony of ants.. each of our lives are important and significant in God's eyes. So during this rush hour moment with all of God's people, I prayed a broad prayer for everyone so busy in rush hour in all directions for safe journeys, a successful day, blessed and led by God. I took time to ponder the significance of each life in the eyes of God. This moment of prayer was peace, perspective and thanksgiving for me in recognition of all God's people. This was admittedly a strange analogy, but you are reading a blog by Jeff the cartoonist not C.S. Lewis... that sorta rhymes. My prayer today if for all of you out there. May the realization of your significance to God, and the blessings of God be in ways that are truly beyond your dreams. and.. may He keep you safe from those who would attempt to step on your ant hill, and that kid with the magnifying glass trying to burn you up. But I digress Jeff (Ants in the Back Pew) Larson |
AuthorThe mutterings on life and faith by cartoonist Jeff Larson Archives
January 2025
Back Pew - Draw Close to God
My Book- 116 pages of cartoons of 'Clean Humor & God's Truth' CRITICS ARE SAYING.
LAUGHTER is just a click away
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