Drawing a line.. is a topic I can so easily relate to. Drawing lines, and coloring inside those lines.. and viola' I have a cartoon. Everybody loves cartoons.. ok, some of us more than others, but hey.. it's what I do. Now the beauty and curse of a cartoon it allows me the liberty of exaggeration. Exaggeration in a world with big noses, bellies, expressions, and points of view. The lines drawn in cartoons are just outside the lines where reality exists and in this world, I am among friends. So while I like cartoons and the work of great cartoonists they are obviously not likely found in an Art Gallery. True art draw lines along with colors and shadows that are amazingly true to the subject of their creation. This world of true art exists in sharp contrast to my world of cartoons with the above mentioned exaggeration of lines, shadows, and colors to distort truth for the purpose the humor or illustrate a particular point of view. So then we come to God's Word, His never changing Truth. There are clear lines drawn within it's pages of right and wrong, good and evil, love and hate. The pages of our Bible's are TRUE ART. These lines are perfect with a message that is both honest and loving. Of course using my finite mind I struggle at times to grasp the depths of these truths and honestly at times DO NOT UNDERSTAND what I am reading.. BUT.. never the less these NEVER CHANGING truths are constant, flawless, and does not need the collective so-called enlightenment of any man from Adam through this very minute including a certain cartoonist from Minnesota. Here in lies the dilemma.. I observe a trend in today's church to believe the perfect lines of God's unchanging truths need to be redrawn. Too many believe the Bible is outdated and in order to fit God's word into their 'evolved cultured' sensibilities they in effect redact passages they do not agree with and/or use scripture out of context to fit their narrative. These man 'inspired' efforts draw new progressive lines and proceed to color outside the perfect lines of God's inspired word. These efforts make a cartoon out of God's perfect loving Bible truths. Let me share examples of these sharp contrasting lines SIMPLE RIGHT & WRONG
Of course, no one wants to be labeled the uncaring bigoted judgmental Christian stereotype. So while we need to be sensitive regarding all issues of the day including today's hot-button topics (racism, abortion, homosexuality, and gender identity, etc etc ) we need to blend this with God's firm loving Truths . Remember always speak God's truth with love, but 'flip it' to realize love is found only in God's Truth. And.. the next time someone tells you "I like Jesus but not Christians because Jesus was about love.. but Christians are are judgmental, hateful, bigoted, sexist, patriarchal homophobes.. . Read them Luke 12:49-53 Not Peace, but Division Luke 12:49-53 49 “I came to cast fire on the earth, and would that it were already kindled! 50 I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how great is my distress until it is accomplished! 51 Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. 52 For from now on in one house there will be five divided, three against two and two against three. 53 They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.” Finally, if we are not careful even those of us who are not progressives allow God's lines to be changed into a caricature at best, or even worse into a big ol' ugly cartoon instead of the beautiful piece of art God's Word is. STAY INSIDE THE LINES, LIVE INSIDE THESE LINES. Note: I am not casting stones here as I am convicted and reflective on my own past & present spiritual compromises, and prayerful God will guide me with his truth and find me obedient. May God bless each of you with discernment regarding God's Truths while being salt and light in dark empty society. Be strong for the Lord as we answer to God.. not man. Jeff (Drawing lots of lines) Larson
Elaine McElhaney
11/26/2019 11:53:41 am
I do not pass out a list of the commandments and ask who has broken which ones. NOT MY JOB! My job is to follow the golden rule and be an example and read God's word for myself.. Don't care who walks into my church. They will be welcomed. At least they are showing the first steps toward wanting to know what God's word is. And maybe we will eventually reach them.Even some of those who are "frogs in the pot". (your little old lady-friend in South Carolina)
Jeffrey Larson
11/26/2019 08:43:59 pm
Amen, I want the Church to have an open door where His truth is taught as an answer for every situation. I pray the Church be a light to this dark world.
Jeffrey Larson
11/26/2019 08:48:14 pm
Also, I wanted to clarify we teach God's Truths but do not force it on anyone. With that being said I find an urgency in the church not wavering to any small or big persecution from the world. And I feel an urgency of my loved ones that do not know the Lord. I want to stand strong for God in word and deed with the peace that passes all understanding. For this, I am a work in progress.
dawn tolliver
11/26/2019 03:56:09 pm
Dear Jeff,
Jeffrey Larson
11/26/2019 08:41:42 pm
Thank you Dawn. I know we each have our own situations, and the comfort I find is that God cares about and understands each of us.
Art Pederson
11/26/2019 09:34:47 pm
Thank you for your courage to speak the Truth. Reminds me of our Thursday Morning Men's Bible Study (Non-Denominational) as we are going through the Minor (message isn't minor) Prophets. The message hasn't changed in 2,000+ years. May the Lord continue to bless your message as you share the Truth of God's Word.
Jeffrey Dean Larson
11/27/2019 09:41:42 am
God bless you Art. Your words encourage me, and are a blessing.
pat lubomski
11/27/2019 09:57:24 am
god bless you have a great thanksgiving
Jeffrey Dean Larson
11/27/2019 12:40:16 pm
God bless you too. Have a Happy Thanksgiving
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AuthorThe mutterings on life and faith by cartoonist Jeff Larson Archives
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